There are so many ways to give back to the community. We are grateful to all the people in the past, present, and future that have helped in the Jacoby Creek watershed. Some of the ways people have helped include:
The Jacoby Creek Biological Inventory, 2020: This is an ongoing effort using iNaturalist to catalogue the biological diversity in our watershed. You can volunteer and help on your own time by downloading the mobile app onto your smartphone device and going outside to record what you find.
The Annual Barntini Fundraiser Event: We couldn't do it without all or amazing volunteers!
Watershed Stewards Invasive Species Pull at Redwood Roots, 2019: The Watershed Stewards, Redwood Roots Farm, and Jacoby Creek Land Trust worked with a large group of volunteers to pull non-native invasive Himalayan blackberry and English ivy from a trail alongside Jacoby Creek.
Willow Planting at the Off-Channel Pond, 2019: We planted approximately 80 willow poles around the pond to help with invasive species management, shading, and habitat!
These are just a couple of example of events at the Jacoby Creek Land Trust. Make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date on activities in The Jacoby Creek Land Trust!
